
Leather Thing


Leather Thing

Leather Thing is a simple pouch system that is constructed from 3-components; pouch, strap, and stopper which are replaceable for its repairing and personalization.

It has a simple closure system that utilizes its weight to secure contents inside. Pouches come in various sizes, for cards, phones, and any knickknacks that should be accessible for you at any moment.

*This “thing” is available to purchase. Each unit is made-to-order with custom sizes. Please enquire for details to .


Leather Thingは3つのパーツ(ストラップ、スリーブ、留め具)で構成されたシンプルなスリーブシステムです。それぞれのパーツはユーザーの好みに合わせて交換可能で、どのパーツが経年劣化しても自分のスタイルで長い間使うことができます。


*このアイテムは受注生産で、随時購入可能です。詳細については までご連絡ください。