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Your Shelf & Stool


Photos by Malcolm Lam


 Your Shelf & Stool

Made from off-cut pieces from various projects, Your Shelf & Your Stool are experimental furniture pieces that are designed with “blank space” for users to find their own function in their living environment.

Asymmetrically placed legs that are protruded at the top, overhanging shelf rests, and gaps in between the structures. These details are elements that create a visual character and aesthetic but they are also possibilities that serve functions for the user’s everyday life activities within the space.

These organically found functions that cannot be designed shape values that are tied to the space and the user. And I believe its meaningful value integrates the object into the user’s space and everyday life.


さまざまな製作過程で出てくるオーク端材から作られたYour Shelf とYour Stoolは、使う人が自ずと生活環境のなかで自分なりの使い方を見いだすことを前提にデザインされた「余白」のあるエクスペリメンタルな家具です。

