



This project is to design an interactive object that allows to experience feeling of “monotonous” through human sensory functions.

The feeling of monotonous is the emotion that appears from “the disconnection between physical action and thought” by repetitive things. For example jobs.

When we get a new job, since everything is new experience, our thinking process running full blast. However as we get used to the job, we start forming own way of dealing with tasks, and this beginning of the formation is the beginning of “monotonous”. Once the formation has completed, the physical action does not requires any thinking process which is the completion of “monotonous”.

I think this process is what “monotonous” is, and I created an experience that people can experience the process through cement casting with modifiable cement mold.

With this mold, a participant is able to modify the shape of the mold after the pour.

The mold refers to “one’s thought” and cement refers to “physical/ action”. in the beginning, cements are soft and flexible that participant can modify it into any shapes, but as it cures, it becomes harder to modify (=beginning of the formation). Once the curing is completed, and the shape released from the mold, it is the formation of “monotonous”.






この中でモールドは「思考・物事」を、コンクリートは「行動・身体」をあらわし、流し込まれた直後のセメントは柔らかく、柔軟にその形を型の中で変えますが、セメントが硬化していくことにより次第に変形が難しくなってきます(=パターンの形成し始め)。 そして完全に硬化したセメントは型から切り離され、一つの形として完成されます。(パターンの形成=Monotonousの形成)